
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

What Do Mosquitoes Eat and Eats Mosquitoes Outside Human

When mosquitoes bite you, firstly trust me that it is a female one. Do male mosquitoes bite? Nope, because only female mosquitoes that suck your blood to form their eggs by your blood protein. Is it just human that their blood useful to eggs production of female mosquitoes? Sure not. Other animals like mammals, bird, and reptiles do too. When mosquitoes became adults, it eats nectar or honey. What do mosquitoes eat outside human? And, do you ever realize that besides mosquitoes as the predator, in this nature it also plays the role as prey. Here some predators and pray among mosquitoes pyramides.

What Eats Mosquitoes

What Do Mosquitoes Eat and Eats Mosquitoes Outside Human

If you realize than beside it annoys you by sucking your blood out of your Vessel, it also a weak prey out there. Not just we as the human that hunt mosquitoes in this whole planet, but some animals also became its threat. Here's some animal that known to be it's a predator. There are some animals especially insects that considered as mosquito predators. Here they are!

1. Mosquitoes-eating Birds

In your opinion, how do mosquitoes find you then pierce your skin and suck blood from there? It can track you by carbon dioxide that produced by your body, in nose and skin. So we can say that it has sensitive instincts to find it's pretty. Unfortunately, as fragile critters, it still can be tracked by birds as it's the predator. Yap, although not all of birds is mosquitoes predators, it is reported that there is mosquito predator from birds.

2. Dragonflies as Notorious Predator

After you knew why do mosquitoes drink blood maybe you think it is still not fair although it sucks your blood for their eggs, not for their self. Also, mosquitoes that eat water usually be in around water body. It makes dragonfly with 25 to 30 miles per hour speed can catch them, and eat them. Mosquitoes hawks widely used as a term to mention three of insect that consist of Crane flies, dragonflies and damselflies.

3. Frog with its long tongue

Some of you may already know from a television advertisement how frog uses their long tongue to catch mosquitoes around it. Frog became reptile that gives some effects for mosquitoes population.

4. Spider Trap

Spider is the only animals we discuss here that does not kill mosquitoes to eat them. When mosquitoes fly around spider web, it trapped there cannot free their self. That is the time when spider catches them as volunteer prey.

5. Fish as Most Effective Mosquitoes Control

Yap, for you that wondering what's the best predator of mosquitoes that highly recommended for mosquitoes. Neither frog, dragonflies, spider, bird but it is fish. Is it shock you? Please, do not be. Fish eats mosquitoes larvae. Gambusia affinis for example as it's hunter also known as mosquito fish because of aggressive to reduce mosquitoes population.

What Do Mosquitoes Eat and Eats Mosquitoes Outside Human

Well, those are mosquitoes facts about its prey and predator outside human. Besides you knew what do mosquitoes eat now, you also know what eats them. Hopefully, you had an inspiration ere to control your mosquitoes trouble naturally.

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