
Monday, October 2, 2017

Home Remedies: How to Keep Mosquitoes Away Naturally?

How to keep mosquitoes away naturally? Well, if we are not talking about the home remedies or the natural ways to chase the away then you can call the mosquitoes control in your town instead. But since we need something natural to take them away then I have several ways you can try in order to make them away of your house. These home treatments have been proven though.

Home Remedies: How to Keep Mosquitoes Away Naturally?

Homemade citronella candles

When we are talking about the natural home remedies, citronella essential oil is just one of many things you can try to chase away this insect. So, you can make aromatherapy candles using this essential oil. The aroma is pretty nice and the insect will stay away from your house. You can even put it at the patio so the mosquitoes will not hangout on that spot.

Lavender oil

Humans love the smell of lavender but mosquitoes hate it so much. So, if you want to keep out those insects then you can put a drop of lavender oil onto ribbon or clothes and then place it around your windows or other way that the insect will get into your house. Or if you want to protect your skin from their bite then you can apply the lavender oil or olive oil on your skin. You will live your night without the disturbance from those insects.

Four thieves mosquito repellent spray

Previously, this brand released repellent of bugs and now it is available for mosquitoes as well. Well, it also works very well to fight other flying bugs in your house. It does not contain harmful chemical element so you can spray it around your garden as well.
Do you want to protect your skin? You definitely can spray it on your skin too!

Throw rosemary on the barbecue

You will easily find the strike of the mosquitoes when you grilled the barbeque. But of course you can turn this barbecue into the natural repellent. You can throw a few stalks of rosemary plant on the hot coals. The aroma of it will make the mosquitoes go away but of course you get the good smell while barbecuing.

Read: Home Remedies For Mosquitoes in Yard

For the instant practice, you may consider to plant some plants with the ability of mosquitoes repellent around your house. Other than that, your garden will be beautiful while it can prevent the insect getting into your house. Well, this is the end of “how to keep mosquitoes away naturally”.

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