
Monday, September 25, 2017

Home Remedies For Mosquitoes in Yard

Home remedies for mosquitoes are not so hard to find. It is even possible that you did not know regarding the benefits of things around you, which can be perfect hoe remedies to take care of mosquitoes’ bites. If you want to know more, here are all information about it.

Home Remedies For Mosquitoes in Yard

Home Remedies for Mosquito Repellent

Here are a few homemade remedies that can easily be found to treat mosquito bites:

1. Oatmeal

Knowing that your breakfast has the potency to home remedies for mosquitoes’ bites might be a little shocking news for you. However, oatmeal proved to have the ability in relieving the itchy and swollen skin areas. It is because oatmeal completed with special compound, which has anti irritant property. You can make it as paste and paste it side down to your irritated skin. let it for 10 minutes then wipe it.

2. Crushed ice

The sensation of this remedy is one lovely thing you can try. The cold temperature will reduce the inflammation as well as numb the itchy skin. However, you need to remember that you should not let it touch your skin directly for more than 5 minutes. It can cause damage for your skin.

3. Honey

As you know, this remedy serves many benefits. it is also has an effective work to get rid of mosquitoes’ bites. It is because honey has antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Treatment of mosquitoes’ bites using honey is one of the most popular treatments done by many people all over the world for hundred years. Simply pour a small drop of honey on the skin areas, which are bitten. You will be able to feel the reduce of inflammation a few seconds later. Moreover, the itchy feeling will be gone as well. however, it is important for you to clean it properly, since honey will leave sticky mess on your skin surface.

4. Aloe vera

the gel of this plant can also be another home remedies you can use. Aloe vera proved to have anti-inflammatory property. Simply apply it to the irritated area. Let it to dry for several minutes. You can apply it again if you think it is needed.

5. Baking soda

This home remedies usually having by any family in the kitchen. Make it as a paste, just like the oatmeal, then apply it to the skin areas, which are bitten. Let it dry for about 10 minutes. After that, you can wash it with water.

Those are all information we can share about home remedies for mosquitoes.


  1. […] For you that doubted your head was asking what is the best mosquito repellent, both of them are good to use. It depends on your taste. Both of them proved useful to drive away your mosquitoes in your yard. […]
