
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Mosquitoes Life Cycle: How long do Mosquitoes Live?

How long do mosquitoes live? It depends on the gender. In general speaking, female mosquitoes have longer lifespan rather than the males. Females can stay alive until as much as 56 days, while the males can only survive in 10 days. They are not so active during the summer weather. Another uninteresting thing is that they will create the itchiness on your skin. Other than that, it will create the possibility of transmitting some health concern like Zika, malaria, dengue fever, and many more.

It is so important to keep your yard and environment that surrounding your house free of those insects. Through this article we are going to learn about the lifecycle of this insect starting from the eggs until they become mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes Life Cycle

Check out the life cycle of mosquitoes below to answer the question about How long do Mosquitoes Live?


Before the females dropping their eggs, they will need blood to make sure that development of the eggs runs properly. And you should know that it is only female mosquitoes that bite and suck your blood. Once they ate the blood meal then they will lay the eggs on certain area like stagnant water or flooding or other similar water condition.


Larvae are the next creature which the development is after the egg. Larvae are about one-fourth of one inch on the length. The shape is like the hairy worms but of course their body sections are separated. They spend most of their life handing near the surface of water upside down and of course eating. This stage is running about 14 days.


Pupae float on the water’s surface. They commonly will eat or molt but sometimes they also dive and tumble as the response to have light exchange. Some people call it tumblers due to this behavior. They only need one until four days before finally they become an adult mosquito.


Adult mosquito reaches their adulthood right after they emerged from the casings of the pupae. Male mosquitoes will commonly hatch first and then the female ones will follow afterward. During the time there will be mating swarm.

As it has been said earlier, male will stay alive for a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, female can live for months. When female eats blood, the males will feed on nectar.

This cycle is repeated over and over again after the female mosquitoes bite and eat the blood meal. So, this article has answered the question about mosquitoes’ life cycle and about “how long do mosquitoes live”.


  1. […] inspires a considerable invention these years? Do you know how far do mosquitoes travel in it whole live?Then check this out to know a fantastic fact about […]

  2. […] we learned in school, the cycles of mosquitoes are the egg, larva, pupa, and adult. This entire lifetime is taken about 30 days or a little bit […]
